Who are you?
Husband to Monique and father of Charlie, Frankie and Ted. A keen member of the CFG 6am crew and lifelong member on the double under club (I may never graduate. I am a defeated man).
Why CrossFit?
My first interest in CrossFit came from exploring different alternatives to my previous fitness regime. I have always enjoyed high intensity and varied exercise with the support of quality coaching. CrossFit seemed the perfect fit and as a bonus it offered an amazing community that consistently provides support for each member. I was advised to be cautious of CrossFit due to increased injuries, poor coaching, elitist attitudes etc.….this couldn’t be any further from the truth. I’ve found my place at CFG and especially enjoy training with the legendary 6am crew!
What is your favourite WOD?
Anything that doesn’t include gymnastics movements or for me to be slightly coordinated. I enjoy the longer ‘Chipper’ style workouts that challenge you mentally and physically.
Who or What inspires you?
Motivated, fit and healthy people and my family. Staying fit and healthy for them is of great importance.
Advice for new comers?
Don’t be afraid to ask questions. We are lucky enough to have amazing approachable coaches, something that you do not always get in other boxes I have attended around the country.
Listen to your body and don’t compare yourself to anyone else! We all have different strengths, weaknesses and abilities. Warning, it is very addictive!