15min emom 30sec on 30sec off alt 1) L seated press 2) plank hold 3) strict chin ups
12-6 Knee tucks box jump Thruster
Athletic 15min emom 30sec on 30sec off alt 1) strict Handstand push ups 2) plank hold 3) strict chin ups
12-6 Toes to bar progression Burpee box jump Thruster
Competitive 15min emom 30sec on 30sec off alt 1) strict Handstand push ups 2) hollow hold 3) strict chin ups
12-6 Toes to bar Burpee box jump24/20” Thruster 43/30kgs |
Member Of The Month Rebecca Walter
Who are you? I am Bec. I’m a new mum to a 3-month-old girl. Why CrossFit? I decided to start…
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